There is a solution for every dental problem. Whether your needs are preventive, basic or surgical, we offer our patients the solutions that best meet those needs.

The information on our website allows us to provide a summary of our services, but we suggest that you call us for more detailed information.

We are always happy to answer questions by phone before your visit.

Services of

Border Dental

Services We Provide

Dental Implants

Implants are titanium cylinders that are biocompatible with bone tissue, so using these cylinders is the best way to replace the loss or absence of a natural tooth. The surgical procedure for this treatment is performed in a single appointment. After this procedure we recommend a rehabilitation period of 3 to 6 months before placing a permanent crown. This procedure will require 2 to 3 more visits.

Dental Cleaning

This procedure should be done once or twice a year, depending on your age and how well you maintain your oral hygiene.

This eliminates the plaque and tartar that accumulate on your teeth, due to the mineralization of food by the PH of your saliva. These dental cleanings will prevent the two most common dental problems worldwide, cavities and gum disease. This procedure can be done in a single appointment.


This procedure seals the pits and fissures of healthy teeth, preventing the formation of cavities.

This procedure can be completed in a single appointment.

Crowns & Bridges

Dental crowns are prosthetic devices fixed to the surface of a tooth. In the absence of 2 or more teeth next to each other they can also be used to form a bridge. This procedure is performed when one or more teeth are missing and we need to replace them using the adjacent teeth as support. We call this a bridge and they can be used on 3 or more missing teeth. A porcelain metal bridge has metal on the inside and porcelain on the inside, giving it a natural aesthetic appearance. The interior structure is made of metal. This provides support and strength to the bridge. This type of work is recommended for posterior teeth. Inside a bridge there is metal and on top of the metal there is a white material similar in strength to the metal, this provides the proper support and natural look that you need and want.

Porcelain Veneers

This is a custom esthetic procedure. Veneers are made of porcelain laminate that is placed on the exterior of the tooth, to improve the form, size, color, and defects such as; teeth in bad positions, spaces between teeth, and stained teeth or fractures. The result will give you "the perfect smile.

For this type of work we need to take impressions of your teeth and send the Impressions to the laboratory where they will fabricate the veneers with the shape, the size and the color specified by you. Once that has been done we will call you in for a follow up appointment where we do a fitting test to give you the opportunity to decide if you are OK with the color, size, and form of the veneers.

Resin Laminates

This is an esthetic procedure that is done in the office. Laminates are composed of a resin material and sealed with ultra violet light.

This resin is located on the outer layer of the tooth to improve it's form, size, color, the position of the tooth, and the space between teeth. This will also help improve the appearance of damaged teeth. Only one visit is necessary for this treatment.

Dental Extraction

This is the removal of teeth caused by extensive decay, fractures, periodontal disease of infection.

This procedure is normally done with local anesthesla in 1 appointment.

Root Canal

This procedure involves the removal of the nerve to prevent the extraction of the tooth in teeth that have extensive decay, infection, pain, or fractures. After the treatment the tooth will need a titanium post and a crown to make it strong and prevent future fractures.

This procedure can be done in 2 to 3 appointments depending on the condition of the tooth.


Orthodontics is a procedure that re-aligns teeth that are not positioned correctly. Teeth in bad positions affect your ability to properly chew and make them more difficult to clean. They can also lead to tooth loss and periodontal disease, and TMJ disorders, along with related neck, shoulder and back pain.


Call us for more information.

Dental Whitening

Tooth whitening can be a very effective way of lightening the natural colour of your teeth without removing any of the tooth Surface.

Border Dental Clinic 

There is a solution for every dental problem. Whether your needs are preventative, basic or surgical offer our patients solutions that best meet their those needs.

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